This function resamples cpue and age specimen data, adds ageing error and growth variability, and then computes conditional age-at-length.
yrs = NULL,
bin = 1,
boot_hauls = FALSE,
boot_ages = FALSE,
al_var = FALSE,
al_var_ann = FALSE,
age_err = FALSE,
age_samples = NULL,
plus_len = NULL,
plus_age = NULL
age-length specimen input dataframe
catch-per-unit effort input dataframe
age reader-tester input dataframe, included in surveyISS package data
any year filter >= (default = NULL)
bin size (default = 1 cm), also can use custom length bins following ss3 bin convention
Boolean. Resample hauls w/replacement? (default = FALSE)
Boolean. Resample ages w/replacement? (default = FALSE)
Boolean. Include age-length variability in resampled age data? (default = FALSE)
Boolean. Resample age-length variability annually or pooled across years? (default = FALSE)
Boolean. Include ageing error in resampled age data? (default = FALSE)
If set at a value, tests reductions (and increases) in survey-level number of ages collected. To test, set at a proportion of ages collected, i.e., 0.8 or 1.2 (default = NULL)
If set at a value, computes length expansion with a plus-length group (default = FALSE)
If set at a value, computes age expansion with a plus-age group (default = FALSE)
List with dataframe of conditional age-at-length (.caal).