The following describes the workflow to obtain spatially-explicit input sample size (ISS) for composition data provided by bottom trawl surveys that occur in the GOA and AI. Please see the ‘Getting started’ vignette for installing and loading the surveyISS package, as well as querying data. To obtain spatially-explicit ISS you will follow the same steps outlined in the ‘Getting started’ vignette from Step 1 through Step 4, here we provide instructions on how to run the spatially-explicit cases to obtain ISS that would be conducted in Step 5.

There are four spatially-explicit functions that have been developed, three for the GOA, and one for the AI. The same generic workflow is followed in each of these cases, they are simply applied to different spatial subregions. First, based upon the bottom trawl survey strata definitions (locations) the data are aggregated into the defined subregions. Second, this subregion data is resampled within the bootstrap simulation. Third, for each bootstrap replicate, length/age populations numbers are expanded within each of these subregions. Finally, the ISS is computed across the bootstrap replicates in the standard way.

The four spatially-explicit cases run in Step 5 of the workflow described in the ‘Getting started’ vignette are as follows (where the function arguments are the same as in the standard surveyISS::srvy_iss() exampled provided, and are not repeated here).

Case 1. This case was developed using the GOA rex sole stock assessment as an example, and provides spatially-explicit ISS that combines the western and central GOA separate from the eastern GOA. The function for this case is surveyISS::srvy_iss_goa_wc_e().

Case 2. This case was developed using the GOA northern/southern rock sole stock assessment as an example, and provides spatially-explicit ISS for western, central, and eastern GOA separately. The function for this case is surveyISS::srvy_iss_goa_w_c_e().

Case 3. This case was developed using the GOA walleye pollock stock assessment as an example, and provides spatially-explicit ISS for the GOA west of 140^\circ. The function for this case is surveyISS::srvy_iss_w140().

Case 4. This case was developed using the AI northern rockfish stock assessment as an example, and provides spatially-explicit ISS for the western AI, central AI, eastern AI, and southern BS subregions within the AI bottom trawl survey. The function for this case is surveyISS::srvy_iss_ai_subreg().

The output of these cases are in many ways similar to the output provided by the standard surveyISS::srvy_iss() function, with several nuanced differences. First, similar to the standard output, there will be two output files, one for length composition ISS (denoted by iss_ln in the file name) and the other for age composition ISS (denoted by iss_ag in the file name). The start of the file name will be whatever you have defined the save argument in the function, and the end of the file name will denote which spatially-explicit function the output has been provided by (for example, if you have run the surveyISS::srvy_iss_goa_wc_e() function, the end of the output file name will be wc_egoa). Second, all the columns in the output are identical to the standard surveyISS::srvy_iss() function output (and we refer you to the ‘Getting started’ vignette for column descriptions) with an additional column region. The region column denotes which region the specific ISS has been computed for. For example, using the surveyISS::srvy_iss_goa_wc_e() function there will be wcgoa and egoa regions within the region column, or, for the surveyISS::srvy_iss_goa_w_c_e() function there will be wgoa, cgoa and egoa regions within the region column. Within this output we have also computed the survey-wide region ISS, which is a result of summing the length/age population numbers across the subregions to the survey-wide region (we computed this in order to compare the ISS as provided by subregions to the standard method were data is pooled across the entire survey region). Thus, within the region column there is an additional region defined as either goa or ai, depending on which spatially-explicit function that has been used. We note that for the surveyISS::srvy_iss_w140() function there is no region column, as the ISS provided is just for the GOA west of 140^\circ and the output is formatted identically to that provided by the standard surveyISS::srvy_iss() function.