Following Fig. 1 in Hulson and Williams 2024 this function resamples cpue, length frequency, and age specimen data, adds ageing error and growth variability, and expands these data to population at length and age.
yrs = NULL,
bin = 1,
boot_hauls = FALSE,
boot_lengths = FALSE,
boot_ages = FALSE,
al_var = FALSE,
al_var_ann = FALSE,
age_err = FALSE,
len_samples = NULL,
age_samples = NULL,
plus_len = NULL,
plus_age = NULL,
by_strata = FALSE,
global = FALSE
length frequency input dataframe
age-length specimen input dataframe
catch-per-unit effort input dataframe
strata id and area size input dataframe
age reader-tester input dataframe, included in surveyISS package data
any year filter >= (default = NULL)
bin size (default = 1 cm), also can use custom length bins following ss3 bin convention
Boolean. Resample hauls w/replacement? (default = FALSE)
Boolean. Resample length frequency w/replacement? (default = FALSE)
Boolean. Resample ages w/replacement? (default = FALSE)
Boolean. Include age-length variability in resampled age data? (default = FALSE)
Boolean. Resample age-length variability annually or pooled across years? (default = FALSE)
Boolean. Include ageing error in resampled age data? (default = FALSE)
If set at a value, tests reductions in haul-level length sampling. To test, set this value at some smaller level than current sampling rate, i.e., 25 (default = NULL)
If set at a value, tests reductions (and increases) in survey-level number of ages collected. To test, set at a proportion of ages collected, i.e., 0.8 or 1.2 (default = NULL)
If set at a value, computes length expansion with a plus-length group (default = FALSE)
If set at a value, computes age expansion with a plus-age group (default = FALSE)
Boolean. Should length/age pop'n values be computed at stratum level? (default = FALSE)
Boolean. Fill in missing length bins with global age-lenth key? (default = FALSE)
List with dataframes of population numbers at length (.lpop) and age (.apop).