The goal of groundfishr
is to create a clear workflow for pulling and cleaning data for fishery stock assessments based upon the ADMB rockfish assessment framework It utilizes a “project oriented workflow” via RStudio (base R is ok, though you must use here::here()
). You must be able to have a connection to the AFSC & AKFIN (Answers) data servers (e.g., VPN if offsite), and have usernames/passwords setup.
The groundfishr
package can be installed from github with:
# install.packages("devtools")
A consistent directory format is probably the most important aspect of this package. The first function creates a number of directories within your R project folder. The setup is organized by year within a folder. The setup()
function creates the following folders and files:
# setup folders -----
| |__ageage
| | AGEAGE.tpl
| |__allometric
| | allometric.tpl
| |__length_sd
| | lengthSD.tpl
| |__VBL
| | VBL.tpl
| |__wVBL
| | wVBL.tpl
| | lvb.ctl
This can then be updated for each year.
# setup folders -----
Which would create a duplication of the folders for the given year
| |__data
| |__models
| | |__ageage
| | | AGEAGE.tpl
| | |__allometric
| | | allometric.tpl
| | |__length_sd
| | | lengthSD.tpl
| | |__VBL
| | | VBL.tpl
| | |__wVBL
| | | wVBL.tpl
| | | lvb.ctl
| |
| |__output
| |__raw
| |__SARA
| |__user_input
| |__ageage
| | AGEAGE.tpl
| |__allometric
| | allometric.tpl
| |__length_sd
| | lengthSD.tpl
| |__VBL
| | VBL.tpl
| |__wVBL
| | wVBL.tpl
| | lvb.ctl
The SSC accepted model can then be added from the last assessment as the current year’s “base model”.
accepted_model(base_year = 2020, base_model = "m18.2b", year = 2021)
This creates a duplication of the folders for the given year
|__base # last accepted model
|__m18.2a # model variant a
|__m18.2b # model variant b
|__base # dupication of m18.2b
|__ base_model_2020_m18.2b.txt"